Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chance Encounters: 6

She went out of the kitchen to see the baby (and made him smile!), she - the chef, the queen of Da Maria Trattoria Ponterosso, was glad to have her photo taken but was worried about her hair. She was so sweet and looking over her kitchen, you can tell this is her life's work (also the restaurant is.. what can I say - esoteric). More on that later.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

winter dress-up

since I gave birth, I haven't really bothered to dress-up as much as I used to. so one time before going out for a walk I thought, hey why not use that thrifted shrug top and those camper heels Fra got you for your birthday? so yeah. nothing major here, just feels nice. under I have a warm wooly dress with wooly buttons in the middle (sweee) and leggings, grey socks, red/orange neck warmer. collage-smage.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Piemonte: Pian Muné & Monviso

With the lovely Francesca at Pian Muné, Celtic sacrificial spot up the mountains of Piemonte. Holes on rocks correspond to star formations or constellations. During that special moment when the stars are aligned exactly the way they are drawn on the rocks, the Celts would offer an animal as sacrifice to the gods. Blood would be poured onto the the rocks and would fill these holes and the lines connecting the "dots". As morbid as that may sound, there is a very powerful and peaceful feeling in this land.

I'm very happy to have found these photos from our trip last year. Also very happy to have met Francesca, Fra's brilliant ex-girlfriend, who was so generous to host us in this part of Italy, her home. After all that I've seen, its become impossible to stereotype Italy - whatever that is or what it means. Its much too complex and diverse - north and south are like two ends of the world. :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Baa-Baad Art

At the beginning of Fall, the first cold winds and the sniffles it brought with it, I felt a saddish feeling. This is only my 2nd winter upcoming and the 1st one was charming (as all first times) and filled with many travels. It was also grey and cold and defined by this nostalgia only someone away from home can truly understand. It didn't dawn on me upon arrival to Italy that I would make it my new home. I always felt that nothing was ever set in stone and if it was, I would insist and life would resume its flux. I'm guessing now is a time for something else, a new kind of period to be defined later when I can look back at it and reflect.

I thought I'd paint again and since its been a while since I last used a brush, I got several small canvas panels and set out to paint all at once - throwing all caution and intention, just painting, getting back that rhythm, dirtying the hands. Funny how I ended up making some kind of slogan. After completing everything in 2 days and looking at what I've accomplished, I see that 1.) It Sucks and 2.) I needed to let that out. I tried to use little of my brain while working but ended up conversing with my work instead. So yes, these panels are but a transcript of that conversation.

I'm glad I did this. Now on to the next project.

Chance Encounters: 5

Guess what dad brought for dinner? Hitchhikers! Suprise feast 2 nights ago when Fra came home bringing 2 guests from the other side of the galaxy. One from Norway and the other from Scotland, northerners wandering near the WW2 cemetery in the cold dark, looking to find the best spot to fold out their sleeping bags and start a fire. hmmm.. in humid Ancona - alrighty then! Anyway, Fra driving on his way home saw these figures in the dark and thought - hey, why not bring them over for dinner? It turned out to be an interesting night. Philosophy, religion, bogs, and elks were among the topics covered. Definitely a chance encounter. AND a reason to travel up north.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2 years

Who wouldve thought everything could change in such a short time. well it did and what a wild ride that was. Heres to my two loves and to the beginnings ahead of us. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chance Encounters: 4

Glass maker at the Amandola white truffles festival. Very intense with his work.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chance Encounters: 3

Walking round Giardini Diaz we saw this man picking up heaps of leaves from the side of the road (and there were HEAPS). Nobody else was doing this, surely haven't seen anyone doing this (by hand) and all the other older men were playing Bocce on the other side of the park. We had a short conversation. He said there are no jobs, yes, but nobody cares to work anymore anyway. He said he felt deeply sad about this.

Chance Encounters: 2

We stopped by at La Tazza Ladra (The Cup Thief) for a caffè though I don't really drink coffee (shameful, I know, in the land of espresso) so I usually get cappuccino con l'orzo (roasted barley "cappuccino"). Despite this the bar guy made it a work of art - with a drizzle of chocolate. Its not like I ordered something special. This is pretty normal fare, but this one, this was really nice. No added cost, no tourist fee either, just plain goodness. Thanks for this man.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fall into Fall

It was a good day. Took a walk outside with the little one and Fra, enjoying the best moments of this season. Also got to wear this poncho hand-me-down from a neighbor -that plus Fra's old pair of green jeans and my brown boots, well.. It just felt so easy and relaxed and.. Scarborough Fair

If your getting into the mood as well, here's a wallpaper I made with the photos I took today. Free to download! Enjoy :)

Chance Encounters: 1

First of this series. Saw this girl walking down the steps on our way to the grocery. She was reading a book, thought she looked spunky so I asked if I could take a picture. :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Antiquariato Finds

That good ol' feeling... Always get a rush out of vintage. :) Here, just some of the most inspired from the big Antiquariato (used-goods fest) in Ancona. Just look at those colors, the illustrations - the thought they put into it - WILD!