Monday, December 31, 2012

Rome Creatives 1st Meet

Not too long ago I opened up a group within the InterNations community called Rome Creatives. The concept was to "Learn. Share. Create." - which became a kind of advocacy over the years of collaborating with creatives: artists, designers, musicians, philosophers, scientists, meditators, and their kin. They say "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Eat, drink and be merry? Perhaps that and a bit more substance.

By chance I found this sweet spot not too far from my son's first ever asilo/school. Its called Officina Dolce (more photos + article here), and immediately I thought - CUPCAKES! and also, brilliant location for a meet! One baby step led to another. I talked to the owner and created this little video portrait, put up my online flyer and had four people show up.