Saturday, May 23, 2009


spoken word, spoken thoughts. what is a mouth for apart from another exit?
a charming scene with the perfect light, filtered through perfect curtains by windows.
and outside, the world calls.
roosters with its feathers flying not too far from the ground.
they were made for time-keeping purposes and proclaim it at all the right times.
cock-a-doodle-doo. and the one from the other house replies, cock-a-doodle-doo.
then we hear the chorus.

talking in riddles, icing on a cake. where does the good go when its gone?
a solitary playing solitaire. awake, aware, amazingly still and frozen in a picture that he painted when he was young. while he was dreaming. when the sun took days to show up and the Dark Nights of the Soul came up to him and debated.
"who cares anyway?", moonlessness said with a starrish twinkle in its eye.
"i'm only a channel for whatever wants to be expressed.", he replied.
"whatever.", said moonless.
"forever.", he whispered while writing this:

are reflections but functions of reflex?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

lost entry from the genesis

eve looks behind her and calls to adam, "come over here, theres something i want to show you."
the morning sun was beginning to rise behind the valley and already the leaves were shaking for that warm burst of yellow. the blooms were on its tips, ready to be expressed.

he was staring at the ground. inspecting the procession of ants into what seemed to look like, a very tiny version of a hill. "something is happening here.", adam replied without lifting his head.

he bends down to have a closer look. "so this is how mountains are created..."

it was 6:21am and the sun was finally up. with its yellow came the blue and reds and the purples. the trees began to talk amongst themselves while birds delivered their message across the land. eve was still standing, head turned towards a scene with a man bent towards the ground and the valley, oblivious, went on with the daily ritual.

Friday, May 15, 2009

the great contentment exercise

ah energies. its like sitting in a garden and witnessing the seasons pass by. the scent of the air won't ever be quite the same as the last wiff, breath, moment of recognition.

Oxytocin. a friend mentions it in the middle of a digital (chat) discussion about conflictions, snacking, (and on my head) time and having very little of it to spend on pleasurable experiences. say like, sleeping, snuggling or hugging children - and also grown ups. and also pets, thats nice too. and yes touch is so very special. so special that it releases a special hormone called Oxytocin, also known as "legal extacy". once the idea registered in my brain, a mental hand flips through that binder of memories to look for any possible evidence supporting this scientific fact.

this is what i found:
- hugs were and still are very nice
- communication involving less talk is also very nice
- talk can actually get in the way of communication in some cases
- sometimes a gentle touch will suffice
- the best experiences weren't complicated
- the best experiences were the most natural
- complications often explode into humble simplification
- a pillow is a great device to rest your head on

Monday, May 11, 2009

time check

thinking about dates, scheduling, allocating time around the calendar for ideas to be made into reality can be a little overwhelming. the alternative of not thinking about anything to do with the future (in the guise of, "just let it flow" bum mode) also has its repercussions. artists usually go that path. its la vie boheme! freedom the sweetest taste of all. and yet.. broke. bent. almost paralyzed.

with more "in-ten-si-teh"

Lost in Translation, the film, has this unforgettable scene of Bill Murray being shot for this japanese whiskey commercial. of course, the japanese director finds it immensely difficult to relay his vision for the scene so he and this level1 english translator spend some time bantering in japanese. and after a seemingly vigorous discussion, the translator turns to Bill and very plainly says, "do it with more... in-ten-si-teh".

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


interesting speech: Elizabeth Gilbert: A new way to think about creativity

Ahh... must it be an uphill battle when its all the joy that is and could be for any creative artist, musician, gardener, scientist, teacher, person TO BE FULLY SELF EXPRESSED? FREE? LIVING and LOVING? the answer is no and also, you knew that despite your cynicsm.

Monday, May 4, 2009


group art show from 2 months ago at the Lunduyan Art Gallery.