*blink blink*
How dare you persecute me when I start a sentence with "I think". Its not enough to look away just because I lack references. Them, the referred, referring other referrals, in this long sequence of he said/she said that goes all the way back to the beginning of time -or documentation, the printing press, gossip? One idea led to the next, got passed down to the children and so forth. SO, aside from the tried and tested ideas-turned-facts (e.g. gravity, science) are we now completely incapable of manufacturing our own ideas on things? So everything can be explained through science, and if anyone feels sad about that fact, they just consult a psychologist and get themselves FIXED? Nobody seems to remember how everything that has been conceived began in the human brain as a mere musing by its first thinker/artist. Sure hard work followed but it wasn't the work that defined the concept, though it helped refine it.